You can't handle the money!
Aaron Sorkin's A FEW GOOD MEN had a 497 performance Broadway run between 11/15/89 and 1/26/91. Tom Hulce (AMADEUS) portrayed Lt. j.g. Daniel Kaffee and Stephen Lang (GETTYSBURG) was Lt. Col. Nathan Jessep.
In Rob Reiner's screen version (adapted by the playwright), an inexperienced Navy lawyer is assigned the defense of two Gitmo Marines who appear to have murdered a comrade while administering a "Code Red," a disciplinary action they claim was ordered by their own lieutenant. Scene-chewing catchphrase "You can't handle the truth" aside, this is a top shelf courtroom drama.
Cameron Crowe's JERRY MAGUIRE is a rarity: a romantic film with an NFL setting. Another Tom Cruise picture where a co-star utters its most memorable line (Miss Zellweger's immortal "You had me at 'hello' "), this is a near-perfect blend of comedy and...
I'am thrilled that this two great films could be purchased as one. Academy Award - winning actor Cuba Gooding, Jr. was a childhood friend and actor Tom Cruise has been a fav of mine since the film RISKY BUSINESS. These two play compelling roles in two great motion pictures. Jerry Maguire brought tears to my eyes!
Tom Cruise at his best.
I had seen this movie several times so I jumped on the chance to own it. I cannot rate Jerry Maguire as I have not yet viewed it, but A Few Good Men was well worth the cost.
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