...this is the guyver series you are looking for
Well folks,
There really is a red pill or blue issue going on with the older series as opposed to this bioboosted series. You should ask yourself a few questions first;
1) Am I turned off by the gore that has made asian film famous?
2) Do I enjoy teenage romance?
3) Have I recently fantasied about making out with a vampire?
If you answered yes to any of these then I would suggest the first series. However, if the above made you laugh at my logic and snark you will enjoy the better drawn,well formed plot. It also demonstrates much more violence than it's predecessor coupled with the class and elegance of the frequently used british or irish accent. If you are still unsure which is the series for you, I suggest sampling them on youtube first. See for yourself.
Great set, not the 'censored' version, but with action left intact!
Background you can skip
I was, as a teen, captured by the Guyver Manga comics which, back then, were really hard to get (I lived in Holland and it was the 80's). Somehow my older brother was able to get them and shared them with me. Then, a few years after, I got Guyver on video (the first anime of this series). It really brought Guyver to life for me and I became a big fan. Naturally I also got the Guyver feature movies on video but that is a whole other story and I will not go into that here.To make a long story short: this is a remake of the original Anime of Guyver that, I believe, stems back to the mid 80's. This remake was done in 2005.
The story is brutal and intriguing as it progresses through increasing levels of attack and opponents that get stronger by the episode. It's never clear upfront whether Guyver will or will not win and the story does not get repetitive. There are a few 'quiet' episodes but overall this series deserves the large fan base and the...
Not quite the amazing masterpiece it used to be, but that doesn't make it bad
Most people who come into this most recent Guyver series, has probably been witness to the glory of the classic Guyver ovas and movies from the early 90s. Though, nothing made has really caught up with the original manga. All 3 guyver movies had mostly conclusions in them, but only the OAV movie even resembled the manga at all.
Well here comes the new series, hoping either to catch up or even conclude the guyver series. Though....does it succeed? Kindof, but not really. As of now, there are 26 manga books out for the guyver, and this series only goes up to the 10th. Anybody who has watched the original series from the 90s will figure out, this series doesn't go much farther than it honestly. While yes sure, this does very much so follow the manga, but thats ultimately its downfall as well. Think of a normal shonen like a dbz, sailor moon, or inuyasha where you can just about predict everything. If a battle can't be won, some new technique has to be used. There just really...
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