Tuesday, October 8, 2013


non stop fun
Josh Blue is hilarious and i would love to see more. i can't seem to find enough of his acts. When watching "7 more days in the tank" you will laugh the entire time. It is great that he can take a negative(his condition) and turn it into something positive. If you enjoy comedy I definitely recommend Josh Blue.

Last Comic Standing
This is a lot of the same material that Josh won Last Comic Standing with. Hilarious stuff and his delivery is perfect.

Gotta Love This Guy
I saw Josh on Last Comic Standing and was fascinated at his ability to poke fun at his handycap, making the best of a bad situation. It was refreshing to see a handycapped person overcome his disability in a fashion that makes the rest of us look at them as another person. I hope we see more from this new commedian, he is truly worth watching.

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