Season Three introduces three more wives!
I thoroughly enjoyed Season Three of "The Tudors." In my opinion, Jonathan Rhys Meyers gives his best performances ever as King Henry VIII. (Warning: the next few paragraphs contain details that some people may consider spoilerish, but seeing as how this is a retelling of British history, I'm sure most people know what's going to happen this season.)
At the start of Season Three, Henry is married to Jane Seymour, a gentle woman who thrills her husband by giving him a son. Unfortunately, Jane's reign as Queen of England is short-lived, and Henry soon finds himself mourning the only one of his wives thus far who he has truly loved (or at least been able to appreciate at the very end). The impertinent Thomas Cromwell then convinces Henry that a new marriage to Anne of Cleaves would benefit the country. Henry reluctantly goes through with the marriage, but never consummates the union because, according to him, his new bride "looks like a horse." It doesn't take long for Henry...
Bundle O'History
*This review is based upon the series as shown on cable network Showtime*
After the superlative season 2 of 'The Tudors' (which featured outstanding, Emmy-worthy performances by Natalie Dormer as Anne Boleyn and Jeremy Northam as Sir Thomas More), I was completely prepared for a "letdown" of sorts for series 3. After all, the true story (Henry VIII's marriage to Jane Seymour, birth of Prince Edward, death of Queen Jane and marriage to Anne of Cleves 2 years after that) goes at a relatively quick 4 years in English history. I was UNprepared for the economic downturn and PeaceArch's (the production company of 'The Tudors') decision to only have 8 episodes for 2009. If you thought seasons 1-2 were a whirlwind, prepare to be whip lashed by season 3.
Queen Jane's (Annabelle Wallis-in a replacement role from season 2's Anita Briem) relationship with Henry is so chaste and "pure," and he swears she is his most "beloved" queen (which he also claimed toward Catherine of...
Enjoyable, but not as good as the first 2 seasons
I am more than half way thru watching the 3rd season on Showtime. Although I am well aware that this is not necessarily based on historical accuracy I feel that a little more care could have taken in making the actors, especially Henry VIII character look their age and historical appearance in that particular time period. Henry, as well as his best friend look like they are stuck in a time warp being eternally in their 30's. Also it is well known that Henry VIII's weight already started to balloon after Jane Seymours death, whereas the actor as shown in the nearly nude scenes still has his perfect trim youthful body. Still an enjoyable and entertaining show -I wonder if it will end with Henry VIII death or will include further installments of Edward, Mary and Elizabeth I - after all they are Tudors, too.
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