A Bit of Aussie Humor and Tongue in Cheek
STRANGE BEDFELLOWS is one of those films that plays like a TV sitcom without the canned laughter - especially now that gay themed shows have made it big on television. This film's main charm is its Aussie flavor and that forgives a lot of the shortcomings of a fluffy idea of a script.
Essentially, two men (Paul Hogan and Michael Caton) decide to avoid back taxes and take advantage of a new law that allows same sex partners to gain the rights of married couples by passing as a gay married couple. How they go about convincing each other that they can pass as gay in order to convince the authorities and then how they can learn to act gay and live a gay life to back up their story is the action of the movie. Many stereotypes are included but somehow the Aussies know how to pull this off with minimal offense.
The overall theme, after the story is all said and done, is one of tolerance and compassion for people who are in different societal climes. Hogan and Caton...
Great movie
Strange Bedfellows is a lot like the full monty. It's a quaint Australian movie that will leave you with a smile. Ot's funny (not hillarious) A good movie.
Funny movie with a twist
I enjoyed this "Aussie" comedy as one of a few movies I watched on a flight to Australia. If you like good humor with a gay twist, you'll like this movie--two guys pretending to be a couple to help out in a sticky situation. The story is outrageous and funny, with a nice twist at the end.
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